The webmasters stab at humour: Why are
Microsoft products so ridden with software bugs? A view of Bill
Gates (bah!!) and why the users provide him with his staple food
diet of lamb cutlets served with mint sauce... and why he likes
custard pie surprises. |
Tony Blair's Labour government and why they
are giving away billions of tax payers money to the European Union.
The web master begins to vent his anger. I also look at the Labour
governments other interference in your everyday life, their
political correctness and their loony nanny state. They will even
wipe your botty for you. |
The webmasters secondary attempt at satire
humour. I look at why their are aliens within Tony Blair's
government. The aliens include: "ministers who audition for car
insurance ads who mince on the dancefloor", "why a particular
children's TV character called "Bungle Bear" is present in the
Labour Party", and "a look at Cyberdyne systems who are now
building Labour government cyborgs". The truth is out there... |
My views of the political correctness
establishment who have now denied us from good stand up comedy.
Also contains some of my all time favourite Jokes. You will laugh
and laugh... |