Dominic Robinson's secret game after Uridium. An amazingly colourful shoot 'em up which was very addictive.
For 255 lives, type in this program, Run it and play your original Zynaps tape from the start.
Click here to download this hack.
10 CLEAR 32767 : LOAD "" CODE
20 POKE 64531,214
40 POKE 65138,20
50 POKE 65139,91
60 FOR f=23316 TO 23323
70 READ a : POKE f,a : NEXT f
90 DATA 62,255,50,208,175
100 DATA 195,0,128
Level 1:
This is easy! Just keep shooting the green aliens until you get the last weapon, and destroy everything in sight. Then collect the seekers (with the sights) then wait till you get to the end and hold down fire while dodging the missiles.
Level 2:
It's best to stay in the top left-hand corner and dodge those rocks and collect extra firepower, but nothing else. Shoot the white missile as soon as they appear. Once again, collect the seekers and hold down fire. Boom, boom!
Level 3:
This is where it gets a bit tricky. Stay on the right, dodge the bubbles and get those pink things. Collect only extra firepower again, and hold onto it until the end of the level and shoot the ship out of the screen. The secret is to go up and down, firing all the time, dodging the bullets. It will either blow up or get out of the way.
Level 4:
From this level onwards the levels change depending on how many lives you have (cunning, eh?), but in general keep firing, think ahead for which weapon to use, and get to know the layout.
Multiface Pokes
Infinite Lives: