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Shoot 'em up in the traditional futuristic setting. No great shakes here.

Using the trusty ol' Bleepload (Firebird) MultiPoke hacker, this routine will give you infinite time and / or infinite lives. Type it in then play your master tape from the start.

Click here to download this hack.

10 LET t=0
20 FOR f=32768 TO 32876
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-32758) * a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>679460 THEN STOP
60 FOR f=32877 TO 1e9 : READ a
70 IF a>256 THEN GO TO 100
80 POKE f,a
90 LET t=t+(f-32867) * a : NEXT f
100 IF t<>a THEN STOP
104 POKE 32885,197 : REM infinite time
108 POKE 32888,198 : REM for infinite lives
110 LOAD "" CODE : RUN USR 32830
120 DATA 50,21,255,122,254
130 DATA 46,192,62,50,50
140 DATA 84,205,33,21,255
150 DATA 34,85,205,62,195
160 DATA 50,58,0,33,32
170 DATA 128,34,59,0,195
180 DATA 0,0,50,107,92
190 DATA 33,114,128,17,0
200 DATA 0,1,0,0,237
210 DATA 176,195,61,0,128
220 DATA 223,181,209,177,144
230 DATA 141,139,151,206,198
240 DATA 199,200,237,123,112
250 DATA 128,62,205,50,84
260 DATA 205,33,0,128,34
270 DATA 85,205,33,109,128
280 DATA 126,50,22,128,50
290 DATA 28,128,50,31,128
300 DATA 50,40,128,50,48
310 DATA 128,35,126,50,42
320 DATA 128,35,126,50,39
330 DATA 128,195,0,205
340 DATA 91,11,181,233,124,175,50,44,0,50,

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