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Wulfan The Barbarian

Mastertronic/December 1987

Budget gameArcade adventure gameHack
Screen shot

A very cute 3D walkabout game. You don't find much better for two quid.

Another error by the Your Sinclair team: It is stated in the original Smash Tips partwork that this game was released by Ocean. This is wrong! This game was in fact made by Mastertronic! They also called this game 'Wulfan'. The correct full name for this game is 'Wulfan The Barbarian'.

Type this loader in and RUN it, then play the tape from the start:

Click here to download this hack.

10 FOR f=3e4 TO 30016
20 READ a : POKE f,a : NEXT f
30 MERGE "" : RUN USR 3e4
40 DATA 221,33,0,64,17
50 DATA 0,150,62,255,55
60 DATA 33,3,19,229,195
70 DATA 86,5

When loaded, type: POKE 31273,0 for immortality and/or POKE 25862,0 for infinite lives, then type LET (or anything else to generate a ? cursor) to start the game.

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