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Ocean/June 1987

Full price gameArcade gameHack
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Shoot 'em up with enough strategy to keep you busy.

Infinite time, dynamite and ammo here care of the Speedlock hacker.

This poke does not work. Your Sinclair made another blooper - one of the numbers in line 360 is wrong, since the numbers in this line do not add up to the 119290 checksum at the end, since upon running the poke you will get the error message: 9 STOP statement, 110:2. I tried recomputing the final checksum but the game still crashed...

10 CLEAR 3e4 : LET t=0
20 FOR f=23296 TO 23403
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-23286) * a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>572714 THEN STOP
60 LET t=0 : FOR f=f TO 1e9
70 READ a
80 IF a>255 THEN GO TO 110
90 POKE f,a
100 LET t=t+(f-23394) * a : NEXT f
110 IF t<>a THEN STOP
120 LOAD "" CODE : RUN USR 23296
130 DATA 42,110,91,237,123
140 DATA 108,91,221,33,102
150 DATA 91,6,6,197,6
160 DATA 0,221,78,0,221
170 DATA 35,17,72,88,229
180 DATA 197,237,176,33,75
190 DATA 88,126,254,54,32
200 DATA 2,54,0,235,54
210 DATA 201,30,150,205,72
220 DATA 88,193,225,9,193
230 DATA 16,217,42,112,91
240 DATA 237,91,114,91,1
250 DATA 0,4,237,176,42
260 DATA 116,91,237,91,118
280 DATA 91,1,0,4,237
290 DATA 176,42,120,91,54
300 DATA 0,42,122,91,54
310 DATA 126,35,54,91,42
320 DATA 124,91,233,1,96
330 DATA 54,82,50,17,14
340 DATA 12,24,16,24,50
350 DATA 14,25,22
360 DATA 255,165,185,228,75,238,76,250,

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