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Ariolasoft/August 1986

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHack
Screen shot

Frog type game which came as the sequel to Riddler's Den.

For infinite lives, play the tape from the start using the program below.

Another error by Your Sinclair means that this hack does not work. To fix it, change line 30 so it reads: 30 LET t=t+(f-39990) * a : NEXT f. It will then work. You can walk into the other monsters without losing a life, but do not walk into the dude in the purple cloak because it will mean game over. A version of this hack with the aforementioned fix is available for download via the link below.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 LET t=0 : FOR f=4e4 TO 40023
20 READ a : POKE f,a
30 LET t=t+(f-29990) * a : NEXT f
40 IF t<>57097 THEN STOP
60 DATA 175,221,33,233,106
70 DATA 55,17,29,27,61
80 DATA 205,86,5,48,241
90 DATA 33,222,149,34,3
100 DATA 107,195,233,106

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