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Through The Trap Door

Piranha/October 1987

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHackHints and tips
Screen shot

Detailing the escapades of Berk, plasticene model-cum-sex symbol, when he falls through the Trap Door! (dan-dan-dan-daaaaah!).

This protection system was quite clever. It used certain registers set by commands in the Basic program - quite a neat touch. Anyway, here's a routine for infinite time. Play the tape from the start.

Another printing error by Your Sinclair or it's publishers. When I tested this hack, I got the dreaded DATA ERROR message, because the checksum in line 50 is wrong, and their is an error in one of the data lines

10 LET T=0
20 FOR F=23296 TO 23454
40 LET T=T+(F-23286) * A : NEXT F
50 IF T<>1681107 THEN PRINT "DATA
70 DATA 221,33,203,92,17
80 DATA 130,2,62,255,55
90 DATA 205,86,5,48,241
100 DATA 221,33,77,95,33
110 DATA 171,93,17,0,80
120 DATA 1,18,0,237,176
130 DATA 235,54,16,35,54
140 DATA 236,35,54,201,33
150 DATA 189,93,17,118,200
160 DATA 1,118,27,205,0
170 DATA 80,49,151,99,229
180 DATA 33,217,93,54,195
190 DATA 35,54,70,35,54
200 DATA 91,225,195,194,93
210 DATA 17,0,75,229,197
220 DATA 33,221,93,1,13
230 DATA 0,237,176,235,54
240 DATA 16,35,54,241,35
250 DATA 54,201,193,225,17
260 DATA 154,99,205,0,75
270 DATA 175,50,242,93,205
280 DATA 236,93,62,195,50
290 DATA 157,254,33,128,91
300 DATA 34,158,254,195,232
310 DATA 254,53,95,49,16
320 DATA 13,11,23,62,195
330 DATA 50,202,254,33,148
340 DATA 91,34,203,254,33
350 DATA 205,83,17,107,50
360 DATA 195,164,254,49,151
370 DATA 99,62,201,50,84
380 DATA 172,195,205,254

And now for another complete solution (yeharr!).

You can either play Berk or Drutt, and in the following solution, where the name is in capitals, eg, BERK, that means you should be playing that character.

Section 1

BERK pick up Drutt, wait until the bat has taken Boni down the Trap Door. Walk to the left and fall down the Trap Door when it has opened. DRUTT go left to the key screen, lure the bat to the right of the screen. Make sure Drutt is at the front of the screen, already jumping (depress 'back' key) then jump to the left and back under the key. Jump for the key before the bat comes back.

NOTE controlling Drutt isn't easy, especially when he's after worms!

There are conveniently placed 'Druttmarkers' on various screen to help control him. Some are invisible, such as the one under the key. Sending Drutt left at the front of the screen will cause him to stop at this marker and jump back. Pressing 'forward' at this stage will hold Drutt jumping backwards and forwards 'marking time' while waiting for the next control.

BERK go and get the key, avoiding the spiders and bat. If 'zapped' with the key, send Drutt to push it to safety. BERK go right and down the pit.

DRUTT jump over the pit. He needs to be right on the edge to jump over, otherwise he will fall in. If he does use the column at the left as a marker, jump high and then onto the shelf in the middle of the screen, mark time, then jump up and right onto the door screen. Use left doorpost as a marker, jump up to the yellow bit of the arch, then left, then up to release the sweet, then hold right until he's landed. Push the sweet into the pit. BERK pick up the sweet, eat (hold 'back' key down), pick up the key, go to the middle of the screen, fly up and right with the key. Try to go through the door, it will change colour when open. Collect Drutt. Go through door.

Section 2 (Caves)

DRUTT jump up chimney (flat area on ceiling just left of door to get the toadstool and go left into the stalactite screen. DRUTT go to the left so that the stalactites start falling down. BERK go left and mark time at the very right of the screen. When a green Monster gets to the right, go to the right, bring down the stalactite to the left of Berk if it's ready to fall. BERK go left behind the green Monster, (don't touch), and when fully on screen, start jumping. Time the jumping to a maximum without head bumping. When the green Monster approaches jump left, then up. Do the same for the next three green Monsters. After the fourth jump to a halt. Go left. Jump over Bubo (the yellow thing), but not while he's pooting (throwing out little white balls). DRUTT get toadstool. BERK eat toadstool. Pick up Bubo. Practice putting Bubo down, picking him up and moving to the left of the screen as quickly as possible. Go to the right of the screen. DRUTT, should be on this screen. When left the green Monster will turn right, BERK follow him. When he turns towards you, put Bubo down, pick him up again and go to the left of the screen (now you see what the practice was for!). A missile will the descend and zap the green Monster. You MUST be on the screen as a witness. If you get zapped, DRUTT get the jumping mushrooms again, BERK eat them. You will need this once as Bubo is safe to carry. Return through the stalactites and use the Bubo missiles to dislodge the key.

Section 3

BERK go right, and right, pick eyes, go left, stand in the middle of the gap on the weight screen. DRUTT use the upright as the marker, jump high and then onto the shelf, mark time then high and left to the screen above. Keep jumping through the hole in the roof. BERK eat the eyes. DRUTT keep jumping. When Berk's lodged at the roof, jump right. BERK drop onto upper floor. Go right. The object here is to put the electric eels on the shelves whose colours match those of the eels' noses. At regular intervals the bulb will change colour. The claw will grab when Berk stops, and the best way to deal with it is to lure it down and then to do the task in small chunks while it's on its way back. Get two eels close together and be holding one. Wait for the colour to change and place eels without a pause. Ignore the claw, it'll keep missing you as long as you're still moving. If caught the punishment will get more servere each time.

When the eels are in place, an eye falls, BERK, collect it and eat it, go left and fall. Pick up weight, go right as far as the eyes, fly up to the roof, then right. Do NOT hit the roof. Do NOT fly too low, either. As soon as you're on the next screen, fall. Fly and fall until 'flyability' wears off. Never close the cyan trap with carrying the weight. Cross the trap, put the eyes at the front. DRUTT push eyes over the trap. Go back and bring down the key. BERK put key at front. DRUTT push key over trap. BERK walk back over trap. Put weight behind you. Carry key nearly to middle of the next screen. Carry eyes and stand behind key. Do the following without hesitation. Eat eyes, pick up key, walk across the screen and off to the left. If you muddle at picking up the key, DON'T walk left. Stay put and retry when visable and you can get more eyes. Open door and go through with Drutt.

Section 4

BERK go right, avoid the drips, pick up the sausage and eat it. Go to the right and stand between two drops. Wait for a bat to fly over left, jump up to the roof and then right over the wall, then up to avoid another drip and skeleton. Stand between the drip and the skeleton, wait for the bat to pass to the left, jump higher than the roof, then right, then up, fall down the pit and move right to avoid the snake. DRUTT go down the pit, use marker and jump for the key. BERK get the sausage, eat it. Get the key and go to the middle of the pit and fly up and then right. When flying both the bat and ghost are lethal, so get the timing right. You must end up in front of the skull (this is not Boni). Eat the sausage, pick up the key and wait for the ghost to come down. Fly up and then as far left as you can. Open the door. Next go and collect the skull. Although it is not Boni, stealing it will make the skeleton a little more aggressive. You must fly the skull as far as the drip screen so that you can use the jump sausage for the next tricky stage.

Pick up the gun, hold under the drips until you have collected about fix or six. Go right to the wall and put the gun down. Jump over the wall as before. Now you have the gun firing over the wall. Merely lure the skeleton left into the gunshots and don't let the skeleton pin you against the wall. When the skeleton has been hit, Boni is revealed. The skeleton won't be lured to the left until you have the skull. You now have to get him over the wall. Fly him overby getting the sausage by the skull and making the shortest possible flights over the pit and two walls. Then you are ready for HOME SWEET HOME which is through the last door. Don't worry about Drutt, he'll mysteriously look after himself.

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