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Super G-Man

Code Masters/December 1987

Budget gameArcade adventure gameHack
Screen shot

Jerky scrolling shoot 'em up based - originally - on an alien planet.

Infinite lives/fuel, play the tape from the start.

This hack remains untested, because Code Masters have stopped people from distributing their old Spectrum games and I don't have a tzx image of the original game tape to test it with.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 27980
20 LET fu=58 : LET li=58
30 INPUT "Fuel? (Y/N) ";f$
40 IF f$="y" THEN LET fu=50
50 INPUT "Lives? (Y/N) ";l$
60 IF l$="y" THEN LET li=50
70 LOAD "" CODE 16384
80 FOR f=23309 TO 23318
90 READ a : POKE f,a : NEXT f
110 DATA 175,fu,148,11,li
120 DATA 50,126,195,96,109

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