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Shockway Rider

Faster Than Light/November 1986

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHackHints and tips
Screen shot

Futuristic fast action game set in a city where the only form of transport is the 'Shockway'.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 24799 : LOAD "" CODE
20 FOR f=60408 TO 60412
30 READ a: POKE f,a : NEXT f
50 DATA 62,183,50,139,180

Type in the above program and play the game tape from the start for infinite lives. If you want infinite lives so, when you die you automatically go to the next level, just replace the 183 in line 50 to a 0. The last digit on the countdown is a bit bigger when loading, but don't worry - all's well.

On the first level, it's best to go on the slow lane, and go along a bit to get the bricks. Walking along the top allows vigilantes to get you easily. Once you've got the bricks, go wild and hit every pedestrian possible. Go for nine lives as they're harder to get in later levels.

On level 2, go for speed. If you go for mailbags you can sometimes get stuck.

On level 3, get the bricks and keep to the faster lanes. Don't bother with bottles as you'll probably lose three or four lives getting the five needed.

Level 4; walk along the top to get the bricks - and don't worry about the vigilantes since they don't appear until past the halfway mark. Keep firing at the targets. Go for speed in this level and you'll probably get a 4000+ bonus.

Level 5, panic! There aren't any bricks until block 3, so you'll have to punch your way through for a bit. At about block 8, three bars appear, so watch out for them.

Level 6 - this is another level where a high bonus is easy to get. Go for the targets here.

Level 7, if you're low on lives, here is the place to get them back. The best lanes are the slow one and the fast one for mailbags.

Level 8; if you're low on lives, start praying! Go on the fast lane and the blokes at the top find it hard to hit you. Don't waste time trying to gain extra lives, unless you've just lost a life and are just next to an onlooker. Follow all this advice and wow, you have a Full Circle and a bonus of 50,000!

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