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Rogue Trooper

Design Design/May 1986

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHackMultiface poke
Screen shot

3D walkabout which was very easy to complete, in a very small play area.

Play the tape from the start. Line 230 gives the number of ammo, which you previously specified in an INPUT, line 240 is the number of energy (%), also specified in an INPUT, line 260 gives infinite kits, which is really infinite energy, line 270 stops the baddies moving when they hit something, line 280 makes the baddies fire less frequently and line 290 gives infinite ammo. Lines 260-290, and line 230 and 240 may be deleted if you don't want the option, but the rest of the program must stay intact. Note that if 230 and/or 240 are deleted, you may as well delete the corresponding INPUT line, as it is not used anyway.

When I tested this hack with a tzx cassette image of the original game via X128, after the game had loaded, it crashed. This could either be due to a printing error in one of the lines, or I have a different release of the game. I provide a link below for you to download this hack anyway...

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 65535 : LET t=0
20 INPUT "No. ammo (0-65535): ";am
30 INPUT "No. energy (0-65535): ";nrg
40 LET c=am-256*INT (am/256)
50 LET d=INT (am/256)
60 LET e=nrg-256*INT (nrg/256)
70 LET g=INT (nrg/256)
80 FOR f=3e4 TO 30033
90 READ a : POKE f,a
100 LET t=t+(f-29990) * a : NEXT f
110 READ a : IF t<>a THEN STOP
120 RESTORE 230
130 FOR f=30034 TO 1e9 : READ a
150 POKE f,a : NEXT f
160 DATA 221,33,215,253,17
170 DATA 125,1,62,255,55
180 DATA 205,86,5,48,241
190 DATA 62,255,50,113,254
200 DATA 33,10,129,17,0
210 DATA 255,1,100,0,237
220 DATA 176,195,0,254,104074
230 DATA 33,c,d,34,79,128
240 DATA 33,e,g,34,124,120
250 DATA 175
260 DATA 50,204,120
270 DATA 50,61,132
280 DATA 50,249,133
290 DATA 50,19,137
300 DATA 195,0,112,999

Multiface Pokes

Lives: 30942,0
Fire power: 35091,0

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