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Martech/February 1987

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHack
Screen shot

This interestingly named maze game stimulated a crescendo of oo-er's from the reviewer.

The Speedlock II MultiPoker gets an airing here to provide, of course, infinite lives.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 65533 : LET t=0
20 FOR f=23296 TO 23443
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-23286) * a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>1240275 THEN STOP
60 FOR f=f TO 1e9 : READ a
70 IF a>255 THEN GO TO 100
80 POKE f,a
90 LET t=t+(f-23434) * a : NEXT f
100 IF t<>a THEN STOP
120 DATA 221,33,203,92,17
130 DATA 234,6,62,255,55
140 DATA 205,86,5,48,241
150 DATA 62,224,50,8,95
160 DATA 62,235,50,11,95
170 DATA 49,252,255,14,112
180 DATA 58,148,91,111,38
190 DATA 98,229,33,252,94
200 DATA 17,192,99,217,1
210 DATA 224,184,217,118,201
220 DATA 42,149,91,1,76
230 DATA 0,22,64,93,122
240 DATA 213,213,237,176,225
250 DATA 14,25,9,119,14
260 DATA 4,9,119,14,8
270 DATA 9,119,14,20,9
280 DATA 119,62,201,18,42
290 DATA 149,91,14,35,237
300 DATA 66,209,116,14,3
310 DATA 9,115,14,32,9
320 DATA 38,64,17,116,91
330 DATA 213,233,83,178,136
340 DATA 164,132,99,96,94
350 DATA 106,33,159,91,78
360 DATA 6,0,33,160,91
370 DATA 237,91,155,91,213
380 DATA 237,176,42,151,91
390 DATA 54,0,42,153,91
400 DATA 209,115,35,114,42
410 DATA 157,91,233
420 DATA 18,209,252,165,255,120,255,160,

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