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Out Run

US Gold/September 1987

Full price gameCoin-op conversionHackHints and tips
Screen shot

Coin-op conversion of the cult racing game. Unfortunately not a patch on the original (but hardly surprising, really).

Use the gears to slow you down as the speed drops down from 280km/h to 189km/h straight away. This is useful on corners and when approaching other vehicles. As you pass other cars, change up again and accelerate away. From the start, head for the left-hand checkpoints, as these seem to be the easiest tracks.

The Speedlock 4 hacker comes into play with this handy Poke for infinite time.

This poke works great: the tape counter messes up as it's loading but this is normal. Also, if your are using a tzx cassette file of the original game with the Amiga port of X128: once the Speedlock loader has loaded and initialized you will get red and black stripes for about 10 seconds and a low pitched sound - this is the Speedlock doing it's decryption tone. But be patient it is working ! This hack was tested with the 48k version of Outrun. Another thing to note is after the game had loaded and choosing my type of joystick, I had to unpause X128's tape deck to get it to load level one. Dunno if you will need to do this with the PC version of X128.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 45e3 : LET t=0
20 FOR f=3e4 TO 30139
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-29990) * a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>1077568 THEN STOP
60 FOR f=f TO 1e9 : READ a
70 IF a>255 THEN GO TO 100
80 POKE f,a
90 LET t=t+(f-30130) * a : NEXT f
100 IF t<>a THEN STOP
110 LOAD "" CODE : RUN USR 3e4
120 DATA 42,188,117,221,33
130 DATA 182,117,6,6,197
140 DATA 221,78,0,221,35
150 DATA 6,0,197,229,17
160 DATA 20,116,237,176,33
170 DATA 49,116,126,254,249
180 DATA 32,2,54,0,33
190 DATA 36,116,126,254,249
200 DATA 32,2,54,0,235
210 DATA 54,201,205,20,116
220 DATA 225,193,9,193,16
230 DATA 209,42,188,117,1
240 DATA 112,11,9,1,100
250 DATA 0,62,243,237,177
260 DATA 43,1,0,4,237
270 DATA 66,17,169,250,1
280 DATA 0,6,237,176,33
290 DATA 150,117,34,195,254
300 DATA 195,169,254,1,96
310 DATA 54,82,50,17,14
320 DATA 12,24,205,28,254
330 DATA 33,38,255,1,100
340 DATA 0,62,217,237,177
350 DATA 54,72,54,72,43
360 DATA 54,0,33,190,177
370 DATA 17,217,254,1,40
380 DATA 0,237,176,201,17
390 DATA 36,57,14,25,23
400 DATA 19,223,33,175,158,53,195,0,

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