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Living Daylights, The

Domark/March 1988

Full price gameArcade adventure gameFilm licenceHackHints and tips
Screen shot

A several section arcade adventure based on the James Bond Movies.

Infinite lives and/or start on any level, play the tape from the start. If the level poke is installed, you will start on level 1, but by pressing ABORT, (3 and 4 simultaneously) you will go to the next level.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

20 CLEAR 32970 : LET t=0
30 FOR f=65280 TO 65320
40 READ a : POKE f,a
50 LET t=t+(f-65270) * a : NEXT f
60 IF t<>143617 THEN STOP
70 INPUT "Lives? ";a$
80 IF a$="y" THEN POKE 65281,0
90 INPUT "Levels? ";a$
100 IF a$="y" THEN POKE 65286,2
120 DATA 62,53,50,4,152
130 DATA 62,1,50,8,153
140 DATA 195,0,145,221,33
150 DATA 203,128,17,124,1
160 DATA 62,255,55,205,86
170 DATA 5,48,241,62,128
180 DATA 50,232,128,62,255
190 DATA 50,101,129,195,216
200 DATA 128

Level 1:

Use the Paint Gun for the snipers and when you get to end end of the level, swop to the Walther PPK. When you've shot him, run to the end of the level and you're out.

Level 2:

Choose the night glasses (binoculars) and swop to them to tell the music lovers from the snippers. Shoot the snippers on your way out, and as you don't have to kill anyone to leave, just run out.

Level 3:

Let the weapons counter count down, 'cos you don't need any weapons for this. Just leg it across the level, ducking and jumping, making sure you stop to avoid the falling pipes. Just run to the end of the level to finish.

Level 4:

This one's quite hard. Choose the bazooka and look for the agent with his explosive milk bottles. Hit him three times and he'll disappear. Shoot the snippers, jump over the craters, take a few steps and you'll see the geezer with the milkbottles again. Repeat this until you reach the end of the level and shoot the helicopter with the bazooka. Hooray!

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