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Jet Set Willy II

Software Projects/March 1985

Full price gamePlatform gameHack
Screen shot

Jet Set Willy plus squillions of extra screens.

Here's a quick hack for infinite lives which also lets you choose the start room (contained in the variable ROOM) and the number of objects you need to complete the game (contained within the variable OBJ).

This hack does not work - Your Sinclair or the publishers made another printing error. The second digit in line 70 reads: 333, so they have missed a comma out! So this number could be 3,33, 33,3 or 3,3,3 - I have tested all three of these combinations and the hack still fails to work (all you will get instead of a loading screen is blocky flashing squares) and everything locks up once the game has loaded.

10 CLEAR 64999
20 LET OBJ=150
30 LET ROOM=32
40 FOR N=65000 TO 65047 : READ A : POKE
50 PAPER 0 : INK 0 : BORDER 0 : CLS
70 DATA 221,333,0,64,17,56,185,62,255,55,
80 DATA 33,6,254,17,197,100,1,59,0,237,176,
90 DATA 62,195,50,22,122
100 DATA 62,OBJ,50,126,135
110 DATA 62,ROOM,50,75,117
120 DATA 195,0,112

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