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Jet Set Willy

Software Projects/June 1985

Full price gamePlatform gameMultiface pokeCheatHints and tips
Screen shot

Even though this game itself was a sequel, it marked the start of the biggest craze in computers - the platform game.

Type 'WRITETYPER' to get into the table.

Multiface Pokes

34785,n-1 'x' lives (maximum 32)
35899,0 Infinite Lives
34795,n Start at room n, normally n=33
41983,255-n The number of objects (normally n=83)

Try: FOR F=44800 TO 44928 : POKE F,PEEK (F+512) : NEXT F and one of Matthew Smith's unused sprites is revealed - you'll see the penknife change into a top hat. To see another one alter the 512 to 640, run it again and you'll get a rotating periscope.

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