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Ocean/March 1988

Full price gameCoin-op conversionHack
Screen shot

Coin-op conversion that stretched the Speccy's resources most impressively.

Take advantage of these infinite lives care of the Speedlock 4 Hacker.

As with all the .tap version of the pokes, I test all of them. Some things to note if you are running this poke under X128 with a tzx tape file of the original game. I tested this hack with the 48k version of Gryzor. Shortly after the bytes for the Speedlock loader which the game uses has loaded and initialized, the Speedlock will do the funny beepy sounds (these are decryption beeps). Under the Amiga version of X128 I never seem to hear these - dunno if you will hear them under the PC version of X128. Once the loading screen popped up, I had to unpause X128's tape deck to get the rest of the game to go in (the loading stripes will turn to red as it loads). Again, I don't know if you will also need to do this on the PC or Linux versions of X128, but thought I would mention it..

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 45e3 : LET t=0
20 FOR f=3e4 TO 30139
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-29990) * a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>1077568 THEN STOP
60 FOR f=f TO 1e9 : READ a
70 IF a>255 THEN GO TO 100
80 POKE f,a
90 LET t=t+(f-30130) * a : NEXT f
100 IF t<>a THEN STOP
110 LOAD "" CODE : RUN USR 3e4
120 DATA 42,188,117,221,33
130 DATA 182,117,6,6,197
140 DATA 221,78,0,221,35
150 DATA 6,0,197,229,17
160 DATA 20,116,237,176,33
170 DATA 49,116,126,254,249
180 DATA 32,2,54,0,33
190 DATA 36,116,126,254,249
200 DATA 32,2,54,0,235
210 DATA 54,201,205,20,116
220 DATA 225,193,9,193,16
230 DATA 209,42,188,117,1
240 DATA 112,11,9,1,100
250 DATA 0,62,243,237,177
260 DATA 43,1,0,4,237
270 DATA 66,17,169,250,1
280 DATA 0,6,237,176,33
290 DATA 150,117,34,195,254
300 DATA 195,169,254,1,96
310 DATA 54,82,50,17,14
320 DATA 12,24,205,28,254
330 DATA 33,38,255,1,100
340 DATA 0,62,217,237,177
350 DATA 54,72,54,72,43
360 DATA 54,0,33,190,177
370 DATA 17,217,254,1,40
380 DATA 0,237,176,201,17
390 DATA 36,57,14,25,23
400 DATA 60,222,62,64,50,14,91,33,236,254,

Another cheat:

1. Load level one and complete level.

2. Load level two, but deliberately lose all your lives.

3. After the Game Over message, choose the restart option.

4. Rewind to start of tape and load.

5. Play to Load Error message. Ignore it.

6. You'll start with 55 lives, and, when you run out, it'll give you 99 more!

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