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The Edge/March 1988

Full price gameArcade adventure gameMultiface pokeHints and tips
Screen shot

Arcade conversion of that fat cat who has to fight the tiredness and hunger.

Multiface Pokes

Infinite sleep: 45335,201
Infinite hunger: 33595,0

1. To get past the wall which bounces you, just carry the bone as close to the wall as possible, and drop left. Odie will go over to it and open it up.

2. Kick Odie when he comes near since he drains sleep.

3. Sit down to restore sleep.

4. Light shows you around the cellar.

5. Drinking from Jon's cup will restore sleep fast.

6. Aniseed balls stop sleep from going down.

7. Odie drops anything he is carrying when kicked.

8. Get Odie to help by making him carry some objects.

9. Kick Nermal fives times and he'll drop the clockwork mouse. Drop this in the healthfood store (in the TV set) and the shopkeeper will drop the spinach.

10. You can eat anything you can carry, so when you get hungry, drop any object with a use.

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