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Freddy Hardest

Imagine/January 1988

Full price gameArcade gameMultiface pokeHints and tips
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Dinamic shoot 'em up in two dissimilar parts.

Multiface Pokes

Invincible (pt 1): 63519,24
Lives (pt 1): 64011,24
Lives (pt 2): 61607,183

On level 1, you have to get across the asteroid's surface by getting as far as you can without killing anything. When a creature gets very close, blast it and don't hang about. Use your gun for the whole level, except on the 'watching robots' which you must kick. The access code for part 2 is 897563. On level two, first collect a nuclear cell and take it to the N marked on the floor. Go to the computer and activate it. You'll now load a certain ship with furl. You'll find an N from where you start right, right, right, down and right. Once you have loaded a ship you must go round looking on all computers for:


Then if you've loaded, got the Captain's code and got one specific ship into hyperspace, go down to the hangers by going from the loading pad mentioned earlier at right, right, down, right, right, right, right, right, right, use tunnel, left and down. If you have all the info, you'll be able to jump the rail, enter the code and escape.

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