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Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide

Mastertronic/November 1987

Budget gameArcade adventure gameHackHints and tips
Screen shot

Cheap, but good value schizo arcade adventure

In the Smash Tips partwork, Your Sinclair named this game as Jackle and Wide. This is incorrect - the correct name of this game is Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide.

Line 40 gives infinite time, line 50 gives infinite strength and line 60 stops GAME OVER when you touch a nasty.

This hack remains untested, since I do not own a tzx tape file of the original game cassette to test it with.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 24999
40 POKE 45545,0
50 POKE 39248,0
60 POKE 46029,0

To complete Jackle and Wide, first get the sea-sickness pill, as this stops the flod water in the first sewer. Pick up the vanishing hero and axe, but not the sparkling gem as this has no use. Cut a path to sewer seven with the axe, go above it and drop the axe. Go to the side of the rock and drop the vanishing hero: the rock will disappear. Take the key and sponges, but not the wine. Drop the key into keyhole three as this is the safe one, then travel up to the last sewer. Make sure you have the three large sponges, 'cos if you fire these at the floating spikes you regain your strength.

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