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Incentive/January 1988

Full price gameArcade adventure gameHackMultiface pokeHints and tips
Screen shot

One of the most original 3D games of the year. Beautifully programmed and absorbing problems. Skillo!

This routine gives you infinite time, shields and energy. Use this to load your master tape.

I am unable to test the poke - the only tzx tape file of Driller I have is a re-release of the original game which employs the Speedlock 4 loader - don't go testing it on that 'cause it won't work. The original release of the game did not use the Speedlock 4 loader. I provide a download link for you to download it anyway...

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 32767 : LET T=0
20 LOAD "" CODE 65088
30 POKE 65092,26
40 FOR F=65389 TO 65416 : READ A : POKE F,A
60 LET T=T+(F-65379) * A : NEXT F
70 IF T<>90370 THEN STOP
90 DATA 113,255,24,246,175
100 DATA 50,200,153,33,0
110 DATA 0,34,201,153,33
120 DATA 230,204,62,195,34
130 DATA 185,203,50,184,203
140 DATA 195,164,151

Multiface Pokes

Infinite energy:

Infinite shields:

Amethyst (Starting platform):

Shoot the wall for extra points. Worth up to 750 extra points if shot in the right order. Don't shoot the top of the tower, although you can, as this contains essential energy reserves. Land on it with the jet to collect them. In the store shed shoot the ground-based crystals first as the suspended ones have special properties and scores attached.

Lapis Lazuli (East of Amethyst):

Blast pyramids to allow travel eastwards. At the low wall, raise yourself to look over and activate the switch.

Obsidian (North of Amethyst):

To cross the ravine, shoot or knock over the slab to form a bridge. Knocking over gives a better score though! Incidentally, it's safer to go in the shed the way back.

Topaz (West of Amethyst):

The laser beacon is more of an irritation than a real threat. Shoot it and it turns through 90° to face the other way. Watch you don't walk into its beam again.

Emerald (East of Lapis Lazuli):

Walk close to the walls to avoid the attentions of the beacons. The beacon to the West is not active!

General Hints:

Activating the teleports allow for quicker travel. Go to Topaz, then over the wall and west to Beryl. Activate the lift up switch and go into the suspended complex. Find the hidden tunnel (not hard) and destroy all the blocks to activate all the teleports. The Jet can be found in the hanger in Aquamarine. Go west to Topaz, then over the wall into Beryl. Sever power lines overhead to disable the beacon. Enter and set all symbols to squares. This reveals a doorway west, leading to an aquamarine. To gain access to the light side, shown white on the model you got with the game, set all four switches in Niccolate, Alabaster, Opal and Quartz to a downward position, so all four lights are lit. This destroys the southern wall of Opal (so guess which one you do last?) allowing access to Diamond!


On Topaz, the centre to drill is right over the south end of the low wall.

Use arrows on Aquamarine.

Use west arrows in Aquamarine to position rig on girders in Ruby.

The numeric clue to position is on the big slab in Opal.

Alabaster's centre is in the swimming pool. Evaporate the water with your lasers.

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