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Deathwish III

Gremlin Graphics/October 1987

Full price gameFilm licenceHackMultiface pokeHints and tips
Screen shot

Bloodthirsty adaptation which has you in the role of Charlie Bronson taking on the baddies.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 24575 : LOAD "" CODE
20 FOR n=33543 TO 1e9
30 READ a
40 IF a<999 THEN POKE n,a : NEXT n
50 POKE 33019,131 : PRINT USR 32768
60 DATA 33,0,64,49,255,95,17,0,128,1,0,4,
70 DATA 62,201,50,176,155 : REM NO INJURY
80 DATA 62,175,50,22,151,50,185,153 : REM
90 DATA 175,50,6,163 : REM NO BACK-
100 DATA 195,64,108,999 : REM END

Multiface Pokes

Infinite ammo:

Infinite injury:

The first and most important thing is to shoot the thugs only. Don't shoot the women or the medics, as these can't be killed and only wastes ammo. Don't shoot Grannies, tables, chairs or TVs - you lose points for grannies and get no points for furniture. Don't shoot too many cops, 'cos when you've cleared the street of thugs, the cops swarm the streets shooting at you, and your injury level shoots up. When your injury level is high, enter a house and find a room where you can see both sides. No thugs or cops can enter the room to harm you, so you can just stand still until your injuries go down. It's best to go after the gang leaders only when you have two or three weapons with a lot of ammo, because the thugs cover the streets and a lot of ammo is needed to clear them. To conserve ammo while walking around the streets, use a hand gun. This uses fifty rounds which fire off very slowly, making it last longer. To clear crowd scenes, let off short bursts of machine gun fire. Wait to see if the thugs fall down, 'cos they take a while, and you don't want to waste bullets if they're already hit. Save the rocket launcher for when you meet the gang leader, to clear the thugs around him. Shotguns have limited ammo, fire quickly and are handy if you don't have a machine gun. One last thing, shoot out all the windows to gain extra points.

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