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Cybernoid The Fighting Machine


Full price gameArcade gameHack
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In this routine, line 90 gives infinite bombs, shields, mines, bounce and seekers, line 100 gives infinite lives and line 110 gives immortality. Play the tape from the start.

Your Sinclair have introduced an error in this hack. I tried running it twice on a tzx cassette image of the original game cassette. In both instances, once the game had loaded, the tape counter became corrupted, and the game crashed so don't waste your time typing it in. Still, there is another way to get infinite lives so all is not lost. Go to redefine keys, and define your keys as YXES to get infinite lives, then choose your type of joystick / or keys you wish to play with.

10 CLEAR 25999 : LOAD "" CODE
20 FOR f=23392 TO 1e9 : READ a
30 IF a>255 THEN GO TO 50
40 POKE f,a : NEXT f
50 POKE 64531,249
70 POKE 65149,91
90 DATA 175,50,72,134
100 DATA 175,50,235,153
110 DATA 62,195,50,165,153
120 DATA 195,96,109,999

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