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Elite/October 1987

Budget gameCoin-op conversionHackMultiface poke
Screen shot

The much acclaimed game on the front cover of Your Sinclair magazine, October 1987. A highly-addictive variant on the Arkanoid theme.

Click here to download this hack (TAP format) or Click here to download this hack (TZX format).

10 CLEAR 60000 : LOAD "" CODE : POKE 65522,252
20 FOR N=64512 TO 64517 : READ A : NEXT N
30 PRINT USR 64753
40 DATA 50,56,189,195,0,104

The hack above is yet another Your Sinclair make a typing error in when the original Smash Tips partwork was printed. To get it to work, change line 20 to: 20 FOR N=64512 TO 64517 : READ A : POKE N,A : NEXT. You can download a fixed version of the poke by clicking the above download link.

The second hack is for the more serious typists who want to control cheat modes from within the game! Once you've loaded the Batty program into this routine you can press any one of the keys below to get the feature you require. You don't have to press any of these keys, but then that makes typing this routine in a bit of a waste!

This second hack below does not work - if you type it in you will get the dreaded STOP message because there is a checksum error in one of the data lines - once again another typing mistake made by the Your Sinclair team or the publishers. That's it your all sacked ! - Ed.

Pressing 'Q' turns Infinite lives on
Pressing 'W' turns Infinite lives off
Pressing 'E' gives three more lives if you lose

10 CLEAR 6e4 : LET t=0
20 FOR f=64512 TO 64616
30 READ a : POKE f,a
40 LET t=t+(f-64502)*a : NEXT f
50 IF t<>766540 THEN STOP
70 POKE 65522,252
90 DATA 33,44,252,17,0
100 DATA 91,1,200,0,237
110 DATA 176,62,205,50,236
120 DATA 161,50,167,151,33
130 DATA 0,91,34,168,151
140 DATA 33,0,0,34,170
150 DATA 151,33,9,91,34
160 DATA 237,161,175,50,239
170 DATA 161,195,0,104,205
180 DATA 17,91,219,254,17
190 DATA 230,31,201,205,17
200 DATA 91,219,31,230,31
210 DATA 201,229,197,213,245
220 DATA 205,142,2,123,254
230 DATA 37,40,13,254,29
240 DATA 40,12,254,21,40
250 DATA 12,241,209,193,225
260 DATA 201,175,24,11,62
270 DATA 183,24,7,62,4
280 DATA 50,232,183,24,237
290 DATA 50,56,189,24,232

Multiface Poke

47633,n n=lives

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