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Imagine/October 1987

Full price gameCoin-op conversionHackMultiface pokeCheats
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The all-singing, all-dancing version of the arcade game which itself was based on the original old-timer, Breakout.

The 'capsule on demand' hack. This hack will give you the ability to get the effect of any capsule you wish simply through a keypress.

For capsule 'S' press key 'Q'.
For capsule 'C' press key 'W'.
For capsule 'E' press key 'E'.
For capsule 'D' press key 'R'.
For capsule 'L' press key 'T'.
For capsule 'B' press key 'Y'.
For capsule 'P' press key 'U'.

Don't press one of the capsule keys if a capsule is actually falling since this tends to upset the computer, and you should never select disruption if you have more than one bolt on the screen at a time.

This poke does not work: there is a CHECKSUM ERROR in BLOCK 1. This is another printing mistake from the original Smash Tips partwork to which I have no correction for.

20 CLEAR 65535 : LET C=1 : LET D=23295
30 LET T=0 : FOR N=1 TO 1E9 : READ A: IF A>=0 AND A<256 THEN POKE D+N,A : LET T=T+N*A : NEXT N
40 IF A>0 THEN RANDOMIZE 1256+ USR 23296
60 LET C=C+1 : LET D=D+N-1 : GOTO 30
70 DATA 118,205,162,45,127,90,90,75,74,72,59,59
80 DATA 225,17,36,91,6,212,26,203,65,40,3,134
90 DATA 24,1,174,18,19,16,243,35,13,242,13,91
100 DATA 195,95,109,72,143,202,126,102,169,113,115,78
110 DATA 123,100,175,102,212,98,44,73,102,170,98,45
120 DATA 73,11,168,169,54,36,95,55,82,155,95,168
130 DATA 70,143,116,85,199,127,212,220,199,46,119,95
140 DATA 207,168,127,248,52,143,207,244,26,211,229,98
150 DATA 174,244,98,202,244,98,214,244,98,42,63,102
160 DATA 119,130,102,168,98,22,168,102,207,98,239,168
170 DATA 115,207,244,95,182,61,146,29,169,95,161,163
180 DATA 146,28,169,25,98,223,169,117,113,169,-11334855
190 DATA 95,9,61,143,52,169,211,69,52,0,127,243 : REM CAPSULE KEYS
200 DATA 52,211,228,124,243,102,157,189,166,153,158,137
210 DATA 140,44,126,52,137,92,130,128,124,154,102,201
220 DATA 189,166,153,158,137,140,100,126,42,137,123,100
230 DATA 168,28,166,129,92,56,148,149,102,169,98,65
240 DATA 244,98,68,244,124,135,161,16,102,189,189
250 DATA 166,153,158,137,148,177,102,119,98,213,173,115
260 DATA 100,173,102,138,98,213,173,117,247,0,-599461
270 DATA 102,95,98,181,178,-2200 : REM NO START MESSAGE
280 DATA 25,98,222,181,-1611 : REM INFINITE LIVES
290 DATA 117,52,180,999 : REM END MARKER

Multiface Poke
Infinite lives: 33702,0

Get a high score (more than 25000), then enter your name as PBRAIN (no spaces). When you press any key to play a game you will be asked to 'press Space to cheat'. Waiting a few seconds starts you from the beginning, pressing Space returns you to the last screen you visited.

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