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Agent Orange

A'n'F/March 1987

Budget GameArcade adventure gameHack
Screen shot

A combination of arcade and strategy elements with Uridium-type graphics, one for the intergalactic Farmer.

All you need for infinite lives, this hack replaces the header.

This hack does not work so do not waste your time typing it in. The final checksum for all the data lines should be 198903, but instead all the data lines have a total checksum of 203622. I tried deleting the checksum routine, but the hack still crashed. This hack is another Your Sinclair magazine blooper they never printed a correction for.

10 LET t=0 : FOR f=3e4 TO 30057
20 READ a : POKE f,a
30 LET t=t+(f-29990)*a : NEXT f
40 READ a : IF t<>a THEN STOP
60 DATA 175,50,180,144,62
70 DATA 221,50,21,206,33
80 DATA 33,0,34,22,206,33
90 DATA 195,21,206,33,48
100 DATA 117,17,0,255,1
110 DATA 20,0,237,176,221
120 DATA 33,0,206,17,0
130 DATA 1,62,255,55,205
140 DATA 86,5,48,241,62
150 DATA 195,50,21,206,33
160 DATA 0,255,34,22,206
170 DATA 49,0,0,198903

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