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Beginners Guide

For the pure and innocent amongst you, here's how to cheat using this guide.


Hacks are programs which provide extra features to games, (unless stated otherwise, the hacks in this guide are for infinite lives). To use the programs, simply type them in and run them - they'll load up your original game tape and provide and provide the goodies, simple as that!

Some hack programs don't load up the original tape, but in these cases full instructions will be given to show you how to cheat. Other hacks are just a couple of lines which need to be MERGEd into the original. When you encounter a hack like that, type the lines into your computer and then type MERGE "". This will load up the original loader and put the cheating lines within the main program.

Multiface pokes

If you own a Multiface or Romantic Robot, these pokes will give you the features listed with much less fuss. Just press the red button, type P for poke, and enter the numbers shown for the particular cheat you want.


In some cases, games already have cheat modes built-in. The Cheat sections show you what to do to take advantage of these cheats.

Hints 'n' Tips

If you don't want to be an out and out cheat, the Hints and Tips will tell you the best way to play the game, and in some cases provide the complete solution. Couldn't be easier!

Full price game Full Price Game
Budget game Budget Game
Arcade game Arcade Game
Coin-op conversion Coin-op Conversion
Platform game Platform Game
Simulation Simulation
Arcade adventure g ame Arcade Adventure Game
Film Licence Film Licence
Hack Hack
Multiface poke Multiface Poke
Cheat Cheat
Hints and tips Hints and tips

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